Karen Little
Property & Condominium Manager
“Live your best life… and hire the best condominium manager to look after the details”

As a seasoned hands-on property and condominium manager, Karen knows more than a thing or two about managing condominium complexes, boards and properties of all types. Karen’s keen attention to detail makes her an ideal fit for the proeprty management profession. She has more than 12 years of experience working with condo boards, big and small both residential and commercial.
She provides strong leadership with boards having expert knowledge of the Condominium Property Act, extensive experience working with vendors to scope what is needed to be done, and has a wonderful approach with people as boards are comprised of a unique mix with different ideas. Karen is passionate about ensuring the condominium complex is well managed, preventative maintenance programs are in place to facilitate short, medium and long term objectives, and that communication is open, timely and relevent.
If Karen is not going full force with handling condominium matters to provide the best experience for unit owners, she is enjoying her grown children who all have been significant influences on her life. Karen has four boys and they keep everything in check, and she loves sitting around the table catching up on each other’s day.
- What is something you would like to learn?
- Playing the piano to sharpen fine motor skills, improve dexterity and hand-eye coordination not to mention that I believe music reduces heart and respiratory rates, cardiac complications and lowers bloood pressure.
- What famous person would you like to have dinner with?
- John Travolta – I particularly enjoyed the movie ‘Michael’ where Archangel Michael is sent to earth to handle various tasks including mending some wounded hearts.
- What do you love most about being in the Property Management business?
- I like helping people and developing processes. Helping others improves my mood, boosts self-esteem and simply feels good. I think helping others does a lots for my happiness…
- What is an experience that has made you stronger?
- Raising children… there is no doubt that raising children makes you physically stronger however it also makes me enjoy my daily morning coffee more. I feel that I can predict utilitiy usage and required maintenance, however raising children cannot be summed up in an alogorithm which makes life interesting and challenging.
- If you could have superpower, what would it be?
- I would have a key that would open every door - that is a property manager’s dream!
- Golden Rules
- Be a course of inspiration and positivity
- Learn something new every day
- Love what you do and help people
- Help clients make educated and comfortable decisions
- Master yourself as best you can
Plenty of room to host a party
A quiet room